Organic Energy Drink and Cleanser



2 teaspoon lemon extract

1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 teaspoon honey (optional)

8 ounce purified water (warm/cold)


Just mix all the ingredients in a glass, make sure it is fully dissolved.

  1. Let it stand for a few minutes for the ingredients to fully concentrated.
  2. Then ready to serve either warm or cold.

Healthy Benefits we can get out of its ingredients:


Lemon has alkalizing properties that restore pH balance. It is rich in vitamins which helps fight infection like colds. It is mostly used as cleansing for liver, through aid in dissolving uric acid and liquefying the bile. Other cleansing assistance it contributes are dissolving calcium exudates or stones in our kidney and helps dissolve gallstone.

Lemon is rich in phytochemicals and promising antimicrobial fields. The present component which facilitates is the presence of alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, saponins, terpenoids, steroids, flavonoids and reducing sugar in all concentrated juices.

Its antiseptic properties are effective in eliminating mild acne. While the antioxidant properties nourish your skin. It is also used in natural cleanser and deodorizer for self, as well as inside the house or home.

Continues research show properties of lemons are also good for digestion, eye functions and stops cell division on cancer cells.
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Simple organic energy drink you can prepare that is readily available in your kitchen or you can easily get in any supermarket. Shows here are ingredients you need and simple way on how to do it.

Cayenne pepper, also known as Capsicum annuum, frutescens or red pepper. It is known for its substance capsaicin is known to reduce pain. Since 9,000 years ago cayenne is widely used as an ingredient in foods and medicine.

It has the anti-inflammatory effect that aids in people who are suffering from heart disease, fatty liver, hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, toothache, excess blood clothing osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and obesity.  Topical capsicum cream can reduce itching and reduce inflammation in people with psoriasis.

Works well to help for digestion, stomach upsets, stops stomach pain, slows intestinal gas and serves as a natural remedy for cramps.

Nutritional facts shows components contributes Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, potassium, manganese and flavonoids.

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